Able Plastic 90 GHigh alumina hot or cold gunning plastic refractory. Able Plastic 90 G is used for gunning induction furnace linings (both gray and ductile iron), electric arc furnace roofs and sidewalls, and other applications where a speedy repair and a high alumina material are necessary to maintain continuous operation. Able Plastic 80Designed to obtain a better balanced refractory life in areas where severe erosion occurs. It has excellent resistance to thermal shock, load-bearing weights and vitrification. Able Plastic 80 GHigh alumina hot or cold gunning mix It has been used successfully in the gunning of electric furnace roofs, spouts, steel ladles, and other applications where a speedy repair and a high alumina material are necessary to maintain continuous operation. Able Plastic 70A 70% alumina plastic mix designed for patching high alumina or super duty firebrick or lining areas where high temperatures are encountered. This material is high in refractoriness and develops excellent strengths above 30000F. Able Plastic 70 GA high alumina hot or cold gunning mix used successfully in the gunning of electric furnace roofs, spouts, steel ladles, and other applications where a speedy repair and a high alumina material are required to maintain continuous operation. Able Plastic 60A 60% + alumina plastic mix designed for patching high alumina or super duty firebrick or lining areas where high temperatures are encountered. Able Plastic 60 G -Data Sheet pdfA high alumina hot or cold gunning mix used successfully in the gunning of open hearth furnace uptakes, walls, roofs and checker chamber. Also in electric furnace roofs, spouts, steel ladles, and other applications where a speedy repair and a high alumina material are required to maintain continuous operation. Able Chrome A -A phosphate-bonded, high-purity alumina chrome plastic refractory. Able Chrome A develops high strength on drying with strength increasing as temperature is increased. In addition, Able Chrome A exhibits excellent volume stability at high temperatures. It is resistant to the most corrosive slag and is recommended for use in critical wear areas. Able Chrome B -Data Sheet pdfA phosphate-bonded, high-purity alumina chrome plastic refractory. Able Chrome B develops high strength on drying with strength increasing as temperature is increased. It also exhibits excellent volume stability at high temperatures Able Chrome B is resistant to the most corrosive slag and is recommended for use in critical wear areas. Able Plastic 90P -Data Sheet pdfA high alumina, phosphate-bonded, plastic refractory that develops high strength on drying with increasing strengths as temperatures are increased. It has good volume stability and excellent resistance to erosion and abrasion. This product is ideal for use in cones, air rings and strippers of Fluid Catalytic Crackers. Able Plastic 90 PFA fine grained, high alumina, phosphate bonded plastic refractory. It develops high strength on drying with increasing strength as temperatures are increased. Able Plastic 90 PF has good volume stability and excellent resistance to most corrosive slags. Able Plastic 85 P -Data Sheet pdfAn 85% alumina-class, phosphate-bonded, high-alumina plastic refractory. It exhibits high strength and density throughout the entire temperature range. It is used where excellent resistance to temperature, slagging, spalling, and abrasion is required in hearths of reheating furnaces, soaking pit lower sidewalls and bottoms, forge furnace hearths, non-ferrous furnaces, ladles, electric furnace and cupola spouts, and other high temperature applications. Able Plastic 85 PFA fine grained, 85% alumina-class, phosphate-bonded, high alumina plastic refractory. It exhibits high strength and density throughout the entire temperature range. It is used where excellent resistance to temperature, slagging spalling, and abrasion is required. Because of its high plasticity, it is easy to ram in such areas as electric furnace runners, AOD hoods, etc. Ideal as a patch material. Able Plastic 80 P -An 80% alumina-class, phosphate-bonded, high alumina plastic refractory. It is used where excellent resistance to temperature, slagging, spalling, and abrasion is required in soaking pit lower sidewalls and bottoms, forge furnace hearths, non-ferrous furnaces, ladles, electric furnace and cupola spouts, and other high temperature applications. Able Plastic 75 P -Data Sheet pdfA 75% alumina-class, phosphate-bonded, high alumina plastic refractory. It exhibits extremely high strength and volume stability throughout the entire temperature range. It is used where excellent resistance to temperature, slagging, spalling, and abrasion is required. Typical application would be hearths of reheat furnaces, soaking pit lower sidewalls and bottoms, forge furnace hearths, non-ferrous furnaces, ladles, electric furnaces, and other high temperature applications. Able Plastic 55 PA 55% alumina, phosphate-bonded plastic refractory that has excellent resistance to slagging, spalling, and abrasion in the temperature range of 30000F. Able Super Plastic -Data Sheet pdfA heat set, super duty refractory plastic for use in zones of high temperature (fusion point 32000F). Mix is spall resistant, volume stable, and has good load-bearing strengths. Able Super Plastic GA high duty plastic gunning mix. It can be gunned in place on both hot and cold furnace walls, steel ladles, wear pads, hearths, and other applications where a speedy repair is necessary to maintain continuous operations. Able Super Plastic Air SetSimilar to regular Able Super Plastic; however, it has been designed to give greater strengths at lower temperatures. Like all super duty plastics, it gives excellent service close to its high fusion point with minimum softening or vitrification. It has superior resistance to spalling and excellent load-bearing strength at high temperatures. Able Super Plastic Air Set gives excellent service in monolithic linings for boiler settings and in most industrial furnaces, burner openings, door arches, piers, sprung and suspended arches. It is ideal for maintenance and repair work in high temperature zones. Able G Super PlasticA high alumina, graphite base plastic especially formulated for basic cupola operations. Being a graphitic-bearing material, this product should be used under reducing conditions (below met~ or slag lines). Oxidation of graphite base materials causes loss of true strengths and slag resistant properties. Able G Super Plastic is recommended for use in tap holes, metal dams, skimmers, separators, slag notches, runners, and anywhere molten metal and slag have been sticking. Able G Plastic 85A high alumina plastic containing graphite. It has been designed to provide superior resistance to molten iron erosion and slag attack in high production operations. Additionally, because of its unique non-wetting properties, Able G Plastic 85 is ideal for blast furnace troughs, runners and skimmers. In cupola operations it finds application in the breast, tap-holes, and runners. Easy tear-out at end of cupola campaign is an additional feature. Able Patch AA fine grained, 95% alumina-class, phosphate-bonded, high alumina plastic refractory. It exhibits high strength and density throughout the entire temperature range. It is used where excellent resistance to temperature, slagging, spalling, and abrasion is required. Because of its high work ability, it is ideal as a patch material. Able Patch BA fine grained, 85% alumina-class, phosphate-bonded, high alumina plastic refractory. It exhibits high strength and density throughout the entire temperature range. It is used where excel-lent resistance to temperature, slagging, spalling, and abrasion is required. Because of its high work ability, it is ideal as a patch material. Able Ladle PakA tar-bonded 50% alumina graphitic-base ramming mix. Rammed into place, this material offers excellent resistance to slag and metal build-ups on refractory lining. Able Ladle Pak is recommended for use in tap holes, metal dams, skimmers, troughs, ladles, separators, etc. Able Ladle Pak, being a graphite-bearing refractory, must be used under reducing conditions (below metal or slage line) for optimum results. Oxidation of graphite-base materials causes loss of true strengths and slag resistant properties. Able Carbon PatchA plastic mixture of high grade carbon materials used for high temperature applications. Able Carbon Patch is generally used for repairing carbon block linings, backing for carbon block linings in cupolas, tap holes, and linings in metal and slag troughs. Molten metal or slag will not adhere to this material. Some initial set will occur at room temperature but prefiring or coking is suggested where possible Able Carbon Patch, being a carbon-base refractory, must be used under reducing conditions (below metal or slag line) for optimum results. Oxidation of carbon causes loss of true strengths and slag resistant properties. Able Ramming Mixes ProductsAble Ram 85An air setting ramming mixture with an alumina content in excess of 84%. It is recommended for burner rings, electric furnace roofs, and ladle linings for both ferrous and non-ferrous industries. Able Ram 85 has excellent resistance to shrinkage and thermal spalling at high temperatures. Able Ram 80An 80% alumina ramming mix. It is recommended for use in steel ladles, forehearth ladles, nodular treatment ladles, electric furnace roofs, and other applications where high refractoriness and volume stability are required. Able Ram 80 FA very fine grained 80% alumina ramming mix. This material can be readily formed into an extremely dense mass with a very smooth surface providing excellent resistance to metal or slag penetration and adhesion. Typical application would be forming or maintaining continuous casting tundish or steel ladle well block areas. Able Ram 70A 70% alumina ramming mix. It is recommended for use in steel ladles, forehearth ladles, nodular treatment ladles, &electric furnace roofs, and other applications where high refractoriness and volume stability are required. Able Ram 60A 60% alumina ramming mix used extensively under the tank lining against steel shell in ladles, ladle wells and sidewalls. This material rams into dense mass giving good abrasion resistance when working linings are removed. Able Ram GP6A tar-bonded 60% alumina graphitic-base ramming mix. Rammed into place, this material offers excellent resistance to slag and metal build-ups on refractory linings. Able Ran GP6 is recommended for use in tap holes, metal dams, skimmers, troughs, ladles, separators, etc. Able Ram GP6, being a graphite-bearing refractory, must be used under reducing conditions (below metal or slag line) for optimum results. Oxidation of graphite-base materials causes loss of true strengths and slag resistant properties. Able Ram AA very fine grained 45% alumina ramming mix. This material can be readily formed into a very smooth surface providing excellent resistance to metal or slag penetration and adhesion. Typical application would be forming or maintaining continuous casting tundish or steel ladle well block areas. Able Ladle RamA high duty, heat setting, ramming mix. Its primary application is in ladle bottoms; however, it can be employed in any application where high duty brick is used. Able G Ram 85Our high performance, high alumina, graphitic ramming mix. It possesses the same excellent properties as its plastic counterpart. Because of its high refractoriness and high density, it is the ideal product for blast furnace trough bottoms and high production cupolas. Able Ram GA high alumina, graphite-base, ramming mix especially formulated for basic cupola operations. It is recommended for use in tap holes, metal dams, skimmers, separators, slag notches, and runners. Rammed into place, the material offers excellent resistance to erosion and chemical attack of iron and slag. Able Ram G, being a graphite-bearing refractory, must be used under reducing conditions (below metal or slag line) for optimum results. Able G Plastic RamThe basic super duty graphite mix in ramming mix form. It has a high resistance to molten metal and slag. Able G Plastic Ram is recommended for tap holes, front troughs and ladle linings in cupola making operations, and any application in the foundry where the refractory is in contact with the molten metal or slag. For optimum results, this material should be used below the metal and slag line. Able Tamp SetA clay-graphite ramming mix for use in building and/or repairing blast furnace troughs. The type of chemical bond in Able Tamp Set provides good strengths at iron-making temperatures. The high carbon content and volume stability of this material provide a slick surface for free metal flow and easy cleaning after the cast. This material can be placed with a floor tamper or shovel. Able Tamp Set, being a graphite-bearing refractory, must be used under reducing conditions (below metal or slag line) for optimum results. Oxidation of graphite-base materials causes loss of true strengths and slag resistant properties. Able Vibe 70A high alumina vibratory plastic. It is designed to be installed where forming and external vibrators are employed. With proper size vibrators attached to the steel form, Able Vibe 70 will readily flow to fill the cavity with a dense high alumina refractory. Able Vibe 95 -Data Sheet pdfA 95% alumina class vibratory plastic. It is designed to be installed where forming and external vibrators are employed. With proper size vibrators attached to the steel form, Able Vibe 95 will readily flow to fill the cavity with a dense refractory. |